Friday, May 2, 2008

Walls, Bolts and Locks(q5-2)

"But always remember this, Anneke. There are no walls, there are no bolts, no locks that anyone can put on your mind." Explain what you think this statement means. Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?

This statement probably means that the true thoughts and opinions of your mind can never change and nobody can change it. Although, Anne and her family are in hiding from the Nazi's and are discriminated because of their religion and culture, the outer people cannot invade their thoughts of their own culture. So, the entrance of their minds are blocked from other people and is kept to themselves.


Hannah Lavender said...

I really like how you described what the statement means because I agree totally that that is what it means. Expanding on what you said, I also think that it means that even though people may restrict you physically, like the Germans did for Anne and her family, they can't no matter what restrict you mentally. Through this I mean that nobody can control what you think about things, only you can.

CarolJ said...

Hey Samantha!!
It seems like most of the people think the same way with the statement that Mr. Frank has made. Don't you think that he is a great father? I think the way you described it was awesome! I also think that Mr. Frank said this to Anne because they were kind of physically locked up you know. Not being able to get out of this place until the war ended. So maybe Mr. Frank said it because he wanted to tell Anne that even though that they are physically locked-in, it doesn't mean that you are going to get locked in internally.